Dr. Uzma Azfar DPM, MBBS

Wellness Podiatry, Hicksville


495 South Broadway, Suite 24
 Hicksville, NY 11801

Mallet Toes

Mallet toe is a painful condition in which the top joint of the toe bends abnormally, creating the appearance of a mallet and making it difficult to walk. It is similar in causes, symptoms and treatment to the more common condition of hammertoe which affects the next lower joint.

Mallet toe may develop due to hereditary abnormalities, rheumatoid arthritis, traumatic injury, or the wearing of poorly fitted or high-heeled shoes. In addition to pain, patients may experience redness and swelling and the development of a corn or callus on the affected toe.

Effective treatment for mallet toe can usually be achieved through simple nonsurgical techniques such as:

  • Wearing more comfortable shoes and avoiding high heels
  • Doing exercises to straighten and strengthen the affected toe
  • Wearing custom-made orthotics or padded inserts in the shoes
  • Taping the affected toe to improve its position
  • Taking oral anti-inflammatory medication
  • Receiving corticosteroid injections at the site

Severe cases in which the toe becomes rigid and tight may require surgical correction to provide symptom relief. When necessary, such surgery may be performed one of three ways: removing a small section of bone from the affected joint (arthroplasty), releasing the tendon that is keeping the toe from lying flat (tendon release), or fusing the bones of the affected joint to keep the toe straight. Fusion surgery requires the use of a metal pin to hold the toe in position as it heals.

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Dr/. Uzma Azfar